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Playbook: Why DERMS Functionality Must Expand to Deliver the Full Value of Distributed Energy Resources

Transforming the DER Surge into a Versatile Energy Asset

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The demand for distributed energy resources (DER) like microgrids and solar projects is growing, thanks to the resilience it offers to companies, communities and homeowners. However, controlling DER surging growth is often challenged when the need for flexible  grid interconnection meets legacy energy distribution and transmission methods.

What are your use case goals from DER sourcing? What do you hope to achieve from DER interconnection? A new playbook examines those questions and many others, showing how next-gen DERMS (distributed energy resource management systems) offer a proven path to innovative results like virtual power plants and other decarbonizing applications. You’ll also learn:

  • 5 steps every energy management leader should follow in a DERMS selection
  • How one team of New York utilities reduced DER interconnection costs by 44%
  • Techniques to maximize grid performance by continuously modulating DER output  and battery storage